Procedure For The Postponement Of The Military Service

1. Whose military service can be postponed?

The military service of the following can be postponed:

a. Those whose bodies are not developed enough for military service.

b. Those with health problems considered as curable in time or with medication consequent to the examination by the roll-call committee doctors.

c. Those whose brothers are ascertained to be serving in the army during the roll-call (upon request).

d. The students whose on-going educations are documented by the principals of their high schools or equivalent schools and students who are in higher education with a proof of official document from the TRNC Ministry of National Education (student certificate can be send through e-mail).


2. Are there any time constraints with respect to postponement due to high school or university study?

There are time constraints for study-related postponement.

a.Those who attend a higher education institution without compulsory attendance (i.e. open universities) and fail for 2 consecutive years, those who attend a pre-higher education preparatory class shall not exceed 2 years and those having a 2-year degree, shall not exceed 4 years,

b.Those having a 3-year study, shall not exceed 6 years,

c.Those having  a 4-year study, shall not exceed 7 years,

d.Those having a 5-year study, shall not exceed 8 years,

e.Those having a 6-year study, shall not exceed 9 years,

3. Are there any age constraints with respect to postponement due to high school or university study?

a. Those having a postgraduate study can postpone as twice as the minimum academic education duration.

b.Those who attend a high school or an equivalent thereof shall continue until the age of 21,

c.Those who continue their higher education can postpone until the age of 30 at the most..

d.Those who continue their higher education can postpone until the age of 30 at the most..


4. In which cases a postponement is not possible?


It is not possible when;

a. Graduates of two-year degrees, undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD studies doing the same level of studies for a second time.

b. Studying pedagogy after undergraduate studies.

c. Carrying out an internship after postgraduate studies..

d. Repeating the last level of high school..

e. Studying in open education high schools..


5. What to do for those who have completed their studies?


a. Those who have registered for the higher education institutions for the first time have to bring their high school diplomas with their two-year degree, undergraduate, postgraduate diplomas to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate in 1 month following their graduation dates.

b. Those who live abroad can carry out their processes through embassies and consulates when they graduate


5. Are there any time constraints with respect to postponement due to graduate study?

a. Those who apply for reserve officer pre-candidacy after graduation from an academic institution that bestows such right and prove that they have gained the right for a study or a graduate study higher than that of a faculty, academy or school at a particular field with an official document to be issued by the TRNC Ministry of National Education before joining the Training Center Command are granted the right to postpone their military service obligation for a term period or one year.

b. The postponement of those who have been granted such right and whose study or graduate study will continue for more than a year can be extended for a period of one year each time, provided that they prove this situation with an official document to be issued by the TRNC Ministry of National Education before the end of the postponement period.

c. Those who can prove with an official document to be issued by the ministry in charge of education and teaching that they have to do an internship for a maximum of one year right after their graduation for the performance of their profession are entitled to one-year postponement for one time only. This period of time in any case whatsoever, can not be so as to exceed the date the person will reach thirty-two years of age or be more than twice the shortest period that the graduate degree can be completed.


7. Can the military obligation of those who have been entitled to receive education while doing their military service be postponed and can one continue the education?


Those who can document that they have been entitled to receive higher education, high school education or equivalent thereof while doing their military service are released provided that they shall complete the remaining service period by applying within six months following the date their education shall end at the latest. For the postponement periods of military service, Military Law is taken into consideration.


  1. 8.  Who can not quit the military after they have started their duty?


        Those who earned right to be a reserve officer by graduating from an academy or faculty (at least 3 years long) and reserve officers (sub-lieutenant or sergeant) that do not have right to break off their military service duty.


General Kenan Çoygun Kışlası, Nurettin Ersin Paşa Caddesi, Boğazköy,
Girne / KKTC

(+90) 392 234 6303
(+90) 392 612 6500