Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the date and location of my Mobilisation Trial Exercise? How can I find out?


You can learn the date and location of the mobilisation exercise by using your ID information through the Mobilisation Section of the Millitary Recruitment and Mobilisation Directorate at You can get the necessary information and have your mobilisation processes done by calling 2272007 and 2271275 between working hours (08.00 – 16.45) during weekdays. 


2. Is there a fine for not attending the mobilisation exercise?


There is a penalty for not attending the mobilization exercise. According to the 9th clause of the Mobilization Legislation (17/1980), a mobilized personnel who does not attend the mobilization exercise without legitimate excuse will be subjected to pay ¼ of the current minimum monthly wage at the time of the mobilization exercise for the first time of absence. In case of repetition of the act, the mobilized personnel will be subjected to pay ½ of the minimum wage. Mobilized personnel who pays the fine will be allocated to another mobilization exercise to compansate the one he did not attend.


3. What do I need to bring to the mobilization exercise?



b. Mobilization Mission Order and Invitation to Arm


4. What do I need to do to change the date or location of my mobilization mission?


This requires a written petition requesting the date of location change to be handed to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate within January. Your request will be put into process provided that the written petition is suitable for the criteria (date of birth, address, branch, initial requirements etc.).


5. How can the mobilization exercise be postponed? (Mobilization Legislation 55th Clause)


a. Those who prove with a formal document that they will be abroad for their or a first degree relative’s treatment.

b. Those who provide a student certificate, approved by the Ministry of Education, to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate showing that they continue their education either abroad or within the country.,

c. Those who are given abroad assignments by formal or semi-formal institutions.

d. Those who prove that they have to be on duty for technical and economical contribution to the government.

e. The date of the mobilization exercise can be postponed for those who prove with an official report that they are ill.

f. Mobilized personnel with valid excuses apart from the ones mentioned above should apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilisation Office Directorate before the mobilization trial exercise.


6. How can I be exempted of my mobilization If I move abroad?


You can be exempted of your mobilization if you provide a document of residence approved by the abroad TRNC Representative Office and an entry – exit document into the country from the Police Office to the Security Forces Command, Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate. It is also your legal liability to apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate when you return to TRNC.


 7. What do I need to do when my address or mobile number changes?


It is required that you apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate within 3 days, either in person or by calling, to get the details updated for the mobile number and address change. It is required to bring a document of residence from the new region’s mukhtar or any invoice of the same name.


8. What are the times for attending and leaving the Mobilization Trial Exercise?


Attendance to the Mobilization Trial Exercise is at 09.30 o’clock and It ends at 12.00 o’clock.


9. Will I join the same unit this year for my mobilisation?


You will be informed by either the Police or our Office if either the unit or date is different than the previous year.


10. Is there a reminder by your Office about the date of my mobilization?


The invitation to arm given to you on signature at the mobilization exercise is a legal decleration. In addition to this, you get a text message before the date of the mobilization exercise as a reminder. Thus, you are required to apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate about the changes within 3 days.


11. Until what day do I need to notify your Office with an excuse if I can not attend the mobilization?


You have to apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate in person with a document proving your excuse before the mobilization date. The document should be brought to the Office by a first degree relative (living in the same house) in cases of inability to bring in person (accident, surgery, in-bed treatment, etc.) before the mobilization date.


12. Do I need to do mobilization Reserve check? On which days do I need to come?


All liable individuals below the age of 49 should apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate each year between 01 January and 01 June on an intended day for the check (it is of high importance to provide current updates of any missing telephone or address details).


13. What processes do the owners with out of order vehicles (broken, wrecked, off-record) assigned for vehicle mobilization need to do?


You have to apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate, get the official papers about the vehicle’s problem, have them approved by the relevant institutions and bring the official papers to our Office (For broken or wrecked vehicles, the papers obtained from the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate should be approved by the regional police directorate and police examination. For vehicles with changed owners or off-record vehicles, the papers from the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate should be approved by Vehicle Registry Office).


14. What do I need to do when I sell my vehicle?


The buyer of the mobilized vehicle becomes liable and should be informed about the mobilization mission order of the vehicle by the previous owner. In addition, the seller should apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate with a photocopy of the new altered vehicle registry paper about the new owner. If there isn’t a photocopy of the vehicle registry form, you can apply to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate to get a printed form and have it approved by the vehicle registry department.


15. What is the amount of fine to pay if the mobilized vehicle is absent at the mobilization exercise?


The amount is specified in the 11th clause of the Mobilization Legislation (17/1980). For the first time, the vehicle owner will be subjected to pay ¼ of the minimum monthly wage. In case of repetition of the act, the vehicle owner will be subjected to pay ½ of the minimum monthly wage. Once the fine is paid, another mobilization is assigned.


16. Will my vehicle take place at the mobilization this year?


By using the number plate, you can learn the date of your car’s mobilization exercise at WWW.MUCAHIT.NET, Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate vehicle mobilization section. You can get the necessary information and have your mobilization processes done by calling 2272007 and 2271275 between working hours (7.30 – 16.45) during weekdays.  


17. I sold my vehicle, but the buyer does not register it to himself/herself. What should I do?


The previous owner of the car should apply to the vehicle registration department to declare the person who the car was sold and bring a copy of the document to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate or the buyer should come to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate to fill a petition stating that he/she owns the car.


18. There is a tender contract that our company should attend. Hence, we can not take the vehicle to the mobilization exercise. What should be do?


You should bring a photocopy of the tender contract that you have won to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate. Your vehicle mobilization exercise will be postponed to a later date.


19. What should I do when my vehicle is called upon for a check to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate?


You should come to the Military Recruitment and Mobilization Office Directorate with your vehicle and relevant documents (vehicle registration form, car insurance) between the stated dates (You can obtain necessary information and have your mobilization processes done by calling 2272007 and 2271275).


20. Is it possible to send my vehicle to the mobilization exercises with someone else?


The vehicle owners who will not be able to take their vehicles to the exercise grounds personally, can assign someone else with a wet-signature proxy statement (approved from the mukhtar or notary). Assigned driver will submit the proxy statement to the registration desk at the exercise grounds. In case of company vehicles, the company owner can assign an employee with a proxy statement (stamped and signed) to join the exercise grounds.



General Kenan Çoygun Kışlası, Nurettin Ersin Paşa Caddesi, Boğazköy,
Girne / KKTC

(+90) 392 234 6303
(+90) 392 612 6500